Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh (Barra and Vatersay Community) Limited is a company incorporated as private limited by guarantee SC285873 and a Scottish Charity SC041923
Brief Overview of Vatersay District Heating Scheme (VHD)
One of CBaB’s aim is to help with the relief of poverty. Fuel poverty is a serious issue in the Western
Isles. CBaB have joined with Community Energy Scotland and successfully applied to CAREs
(Community and Renewable Energy Scheme) for a grant to carry out a detailed energy survey of each
household in Vatersay to determine their heating type, energy usage and the frequency of the energy
usage. Once this is known a more detailed design of a District heating system can be drawn up.
A grant has been awarded, the Vatersay people have been approached with everyone being willing to
take part in the monitoring scheme. A tender for a financial model has been submitted to various
companies with the contract too be offered shortly. Once the financial model has been completed and
given to the CARES team, the next step will be supplying the Vatersay householders with energy